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Preen Pets Helps Your Pet Eat Healthy and Natural Foods

March 18, 2014 admin 0

You are what you eat. You’ve heard that a million times, right? There must be some truth to it considering we all know the difference between “good food” and “bad food” and how it can affect the body. Dogs are no different. If they are fed cheap, imitation food, it will affect their bodies and performance poorly. No pet owner wants to see that. That’s why we started Preen Pets. We wanted to give pet owners a better option to reward their furry friends with and now, we’ve got it down to a science. …

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Lost your pet? Find it faster with qr code pet tag

March 16, 2014 admin 0

Pets are very important factor in our lives. If you own a pet you can relate and understand that out little fury beasts are sometimes as much part of our lives as our close ones. We treat pets as our family members and sometimes they even need more attention from us than our partners. However, not everything is blissful with pets. …

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Ruffee Brings Dog Lovers Together

February 26, 2014 admin 0

If you are interested in connecting with other dog lovers in your area, Ruffee is an excellent mobile app for you! If you are a dog owner, it would be nice to meet up with other dog lovers so that you can make new friends while running with your dog. Meeting other people in your community who are passionate about their dogs can lead you open to many new friend connections.…

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Picking The Perfect Name For Your Dog

February 21, 2014 admin 0

The dog also known as man’s best friend is said to be one of the best pets to own. They are loving, loyal and protective. They are in many aspects as a child. You feed them, bathe them and take care of them. So when you get your little pooch just like with a child the first thing that comes to mind is the perfect name.…

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Things to look for in your dog’s poop

February 11, 2014 admin 0

Okay, so the fact is that examining a pile of your dog’s excrement isn’t exactly an exciting chore. Most people don’t even enjoy picking up their dog’s poop, let alone digging around in it in order to make sure their dog is healthy. However the fact is that you dog can’t talk, which means if your dog has something going on in its digestive tract the animal’s poop pile might provide a source of clues. That is why it is best to look at your dog’s poop on a semi-regular basis in order to make sure your dog is in …

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Finding a DogVacay Host

February 5, 2014 admin 0

Most dog owners have been in this dilemma before, what to do with our furry family members when away – DogVacay – just solved our problem. Your dog boarding options just got awesome!…

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Dog care during winter days

February 5, 2014 admin 0

Keeping your dogs safe, healthy, and fit is very important not only for your dog during rough seasons, but a good practive overall to maintain a good life for them. For this reason, you must always ensure that your dog is given proper care during these winter days. It does not matter whether you keep your dog outdoors or indoors during the day.…

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Food for dogs

December 2, 2013 admin 0

1. Peanut butter.
Peanut butter is rich in protein, and healthy fats, vitamin E, vitamin B 1 and B12. Stuff peanut butter can create the energy for dogs in many hours.
2. Boiled Chicken With Brown Rice
Boiled chicken with brown rice can help dogs’ stomach fell more comfortable because this kind of food is easily digestible. However, you should know that chicken can cause itching or diarrhea in your dogs, so you should cook the chicken well with pepper and salt. You need to avoid adding more onion or garlic to your dog foods.…

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How to Train a Dog the Right Way

March 19, 2013 admin 0

You have a new puppy and want to train your pet to behave and listen to your commands both inside and outside the house. How to train a dog is a typical theme among new puppy owners. There are a lot of books available on the topic of training dogs and some of them are very good. You should check out and review different books on training your new puppy to get a good understanding before you start the training.

All of that aside, all dog experts take a slightly different but common approach on how to train a dog …

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Pet Training Tips to Help You Train Your Puppies

October 19, 2012 admin 0
dog training room (west view)
dog training room (west view) (Photo credit: Acme Canine)
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