Leopard Gecko

Creating A Habitat For Your Leopard Gecko

March 8, 2016 admin 0

One of the easiest Geckos to take care of is the Leopard Gecko. However, this doesn’t mean that you can cut corners with their habitat. A properly set up home is a fundamental piece in maintaining you Geckos health and well-being. Read on to discover how you can make your Gecko’s home safe, healthy and cozy.…

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BagSentry: monitoring pets and luggage during flight

November 27, 2015 admin 0

Traveling with your pet is never easy – especially if you are traveling by air and have to crate your pet and check them in as luggage with the airlines. According to recent Air Travel Consumer Reports published by the U.S. Department of transportation, every 4 days a pet is hurt or killed when checked into a flight in the US alone. …

Healty horse

What to Know About Colic to Keep Your Horse Safe and Healthy

November 6, 2015 admin 0

Colic is the number one cause of premature death in horses worldwide, therefore educating yourself on the causes, symptoms, and steps to take in case it happens is well worth doing and could ultimately save your horse’s life. There are many misconceptions about this condition, and these beliefs can pose real threats to your horse’s health and prognosis in the event of an issue. Luckily there are several ways to keep your horse less prone to colic, as well as actions to take to ensure the best possible outcome if it happens.…

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My Journey To Finding A Worthy Boarder For My Dog

July 3, 2014 admin 0

I’d like to share with you an experience that I had in boarding my 10 month old, female Cockapoo named Manuka. We had planned a ten day Hawaiian island tour, which would be the first time we’d be away from Manuka. We had never boarded a dog before, so we weren’t totally sure how to go about it. Many of our friends didn’t have dogs and weren’t experienced with dogs, so we decided not to burden them with the responsibility. We looked online and found several possibilities, but it was impossible to tell anything about the places via their websites.…