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Service Dog Training

April 4, 2016 admin 0

Service dogs require an extremely complex and long training process. They’re not just pets; in fact, they’re much more than that: they have a job to do. Service dogs play a vital role in the lives of people who suffer from a variety of diseases and disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, inability to walk or move, diabetes or epilepsy. A service dog can prevent a blind person from being run over by a car; he can detect the imminence of an epileptic seizure; he will help his owner to remove his socks, fetch his wallet and keys and turn on …

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How to Train a Dog the Right Way

March 19, 2013 admin 0

You have a new puppy and want to train your pet to behave and listen to your commands both inside and outside the house. How to train a dog is a typical theme among new puppy owners. There are a lot of books available on the topic of training dogs and some of them are very good. You should check out and review different books on training your new puppy to get a good understanding before you start the training.

All of that aside, all dog experts take a slightly different but common approach on how to train a dog …