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Dog Training: the Recall

August 13, 2016 admin 0
August 13, 2016 by Leslie Youra @

What is the recall command? It’s the “come”, “here”, or “dog’s name” command or simply coming when it’s called.

This is the most important, and usually the poorest trained command. It’s the most important command, because:

  1. It keeps the dog safe. If your dog darts out and is heading for traffic, or an aggressive animal, you must be able to call the dog back to you, and have it respond immediately.
  2. It prevents nuisance behavior. A dog that will come when you call can be prevented from jumping on people, or chasing
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Dog Joint Pain: Symptoms, Solution & Prevention

July 27, 2016 admin 0

Dog joint pain encompasses a number of conditions dogs experience, from simple inflammation and pain to more serious concerns like rheumatism and arthritis. These conditions include osteoarthritis (cartilage between bones breaks down, thus bones get pounded against each other) and dysplasia in different parts of the dog’s muscular and skeletal system (ill-formed bone and joints).…