
Choosing a Rabbit Hutch

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Before you put too much thought into buying your rabbit its home, have you decided where you’ll put the hutch? Will it live indoors or outdoors? How many rabbits will live there?

Many rabbits live in hutches that are far too small for them – the majority of which were bought in pet shops. Resulting in your pet being in worse condition than a caged test animal. The House Rabbit Society recommends that the hutch should be at least four times the size of your pet. But, like most things in life, bigger is always better. …

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Cats vs. Dogs: Which One Makes The Best Pet?

March 3, 2014 admin 0

The controversy about the selection between cats and dogs has averse with for several years. This is ever since their domestication period. However, there are still a lot of individual who ask the same question, which among the two makes the best pet? The answer greatly depends on the personality and requirements of the owner for animal companionship. If you have owned both forms, you may create your own observations depending on your experiences.…

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Dog care during winter days

February 5, 2014 admin 0

Keeping your dogs safe, healthy, and fit is very important not only for your dog during rough seasons, but a good practive overall to maintain a good life for them. For this reason, you must always ensure that your dog is given proper care during these winter days. It does not matter whether you keep your dog outdoors or indoors during the day.…