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German shepherds are a very young breed compared to other historic breeds like the Shih Tzu and Siberian husky. Introduced to the world by German shepherd dog breeders in Germany, these loyal animals are thought to have originated in 1899.
Though their existence has been short and their time in the United States even shorter, they have made the most of their time by repeatedly proving their value to humans.
German shepherds serve primarily as police, guard, and military dogs due to their intelligence and fearlessness. However, these fun-loving dogs can quickly switch to a loving companion if treated as a household pet. German shepherds are also known for their approachability, strength, and energy.
These characteristics, along with their natural inclination to protect, have earned German shepherds quite the reputation. The various stories of their hero-like actions, ability to accomplish impossible feats, and superior intelligence validate the reasoning behind the growth of the dog’s popularity and the growth of German shepherd dog breeding.
Here are just a few German shepherds that have proven their worth and won the hearts of humans everywhere:
On a cold December night, a family of four went to bed early due to everyone feeling under the weather. After a few hours of sleep, the mother was woken up by the sound of her children crying and Shelby’s (their 7-year-old German shepherd) whining.
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Once everyone was up, the family quickly made the decision to go to the hospital to try and figure out the cause of the illness. There they discovered their home had a level of carbon monoxide that measured 280 ppm, a level considered fatal to humans.
Without Shelby’s persistence and ability to sense the change in atmosphere, the family could have suffered a dire fate.
Trained as a Seeing Eye Dog, Orient led owner Bill Irwin on an incredible trek from Georgia to Maine through the Appalachian Trail. Orient was said to faithfully and unconditionally assist Irwin for over nine years.
While chasing a robbery suspect, Deputy Stanley Wontor was forced to cross a frozen river. When the ice gave way and Wontor was submerged into the freezing water, Thunder came to the rescue instantly and pulled him out of the freezing river to safety.
Sensing immediate danger, Wolfey awoke owners Dr. and Mrs. John Holbrook in the middle of the night to alert them of a fire that had started in their all-wood home.