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Does your dog have itchy skin,allergies & ear infections?

March 29, 2015 admin 0

I have a dog that had all of those to the point that she had about 80% fur loss, & allergies so severe that three vets said to euthanise her.

She had a lovely nature despite the allergies,I know if I itched all over constantly I would be very grumpy, however, I chose to ignore the vets and try to give her the best life I could.…


Choosing a Rabbit Hutch

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Before you put too much thought into buying your rabbit its home, have you decided where you’ll put the hutch? Will it live indoors or outdoors? How many rabbits will live there?

Many rabbits live in hutches that are far too small for them – the majority of which were bought in pet shops. Resulting in your pet being in worse condition than a caged test animal. The House Rabbit Society recommends that the hutch should be at least four times the size of your pet. But, like most things in life, bigger is always better. …

Ruptured submandibular abscesses, horse

How to prevent infections in your stables

March 23, 2015 admin 0

Just like humans, horses are susceptible to a wide range of infections and diseases that can easily be spread around a busy livery yard. The majority of the most dangerous infectious conditions are preventable thanks to a thorough vaccination regime, however there are many that are not, and so horse owners need to be vigilant to stop them in their tracks. Equine infections can be viral, bacterial or fungal which means they can be spread through your stables in a variety of ways, so it is important that you know what to look for and how to prevent it. …


How to Stop Your Cat From Urine-Marking

March 20, 2015 admin 0

Cats and dogs feel an instinctive urge to lay claim to their territory, which they accomplish by leaving their scent. Your cat can use different methods to mark his territory, including scratching, rubbing, and sometimes, urinating. If you notice a pungent odour of cat pee around your home, your cat is probably letting others know that this place is his. Urine also communicates the status rank and reproductive status of the animal. In some cases, top cats in a neighbourhood mark their territory using faeces, a practice known as maddening. …